Lichtgedanken 05
Rubrik 53 05 | LICHT GEDANKEN The »Curricula of the Future« pro- gramme is intended to promote the de- velopment of study content and types of academic teaching and learning. »We applied for the funds for three innovati- ve projects which show a clear potenti- al for transferring the findings to other teaching areas«, explains the Vice-Pre- sident for Learning and Teaching, Prof. Dr Iris Winkler. »The University is also supporting forward-thinking ideas concerning how to structure teaching and courses through internal project funding. The Academy for Teaching Development regularly issues different funding schemes.« »EHealth and Communication« interdisciplinary study programme Firstly, the state programme is funding the development of a model study pro- gramme for academic professions wor- king within healthcare. The focus of the planned »EHealth and Communi- cation« programme lies in the provisi- on of information and communication in treatment and care processes which are being increasingly shaped by digi- tal technologies. The project is mana- ged by the medical scientist Prof. Dr Jutta Hübner. In addition, the state is funding two projects for the development of the teaching curriculum; the »Digital Pro- fessionalism in the Teacher Training« project, led by educational scientists Prof. Dr Alexander Gröschner and Prof. Dr Nils Berkemeyer, aims to rest- ructure the modules for minor subjects for educational science. The students should be familiarized with digital tools to aid their work and studies, so that they would be able to reflect on the use of tools and apply them in their professional life as teachers properly. »Global Campus« prepares students for heterogeneity in everyday school life Together with the University of Erfurt, the concept of »Heterogeneity-Sensi- tive Teacher Training« is being imple- mented and modules in the field of heterogeneity and inclusion are being provided on the »Global Campus« di- gital platform. The project is managed by Prof. Dr Bärbel Kracke (Educational Psychology). Projects The future in teaching is digital, too As part of the Thuringian Higher Education Digitalization Strategy, the federal state is supporting pilot projects at universities which help to prepare students for life and work in a digitalized world. The Friedrich Schiller University Jena has received around 180,000 euros for three innovative projects. BY AXEL BURCHARDT Teachers in the computer pool at the multimedia centre. The University Jena is increasingly using digital media in teaching, and not just as part of the three funded projects.