Lichtgedanken 05

Rubrik 10 Chemical relationships The »ChemBioSys« collaborative research centre has started a new phase of funding. The German Research Foundation will be financing the centre over the next four years with around 9.5 million euros. The scientists and researchers are investigating the complex means of communication and interactions between different organis- ms and their environment in 21 individual projects. The focus is on natural substances that serve as mediators— they act as the »chemical language of nature«. Second phase of the nutrition cluster begins The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research will be funding the cluster for nutrition and cardiova- scular health, »nutriCARD«, for another three years with a total of around 5.6 million euros. The joint project bet- ween the universities of Halle, Jena and Leipzig can thus continue its very successful research and development work, which has been running since 2015. The centre brings together research groups at the University of Jena, the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Hans Knöll Institute), the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, and the University of Pots- dam. The research groups are represented by two spokesper- sons: Prof. Dr Christian Hertweck (Professorship of Natural Product Chemistry, University of Jena; Head of Biomolecular Chemistry, Hans Knöll Institute) and Prof. Dr Georg Pohnert (Professorship of Instrumental Analytics/Bioorganic Ana- lytics, University of Jena). The communication mechanisms within biosystems are based on small chemical molecules. While previous research largely focused on analysing how these molecules are exchanged bet- ween organisms or two different types of organisms, the rese- arch being conducted in the centre focuses on the relationship networks as a whole and is investigating how these commu- nity structures are created and how their diversity is retained. With this research approach, the collaborative research centre stands as stands as a central pillar in the »Balance of the Micro- verse« Cluster of Excellence (p. 6).  US Doctoral candidate Arite Bigalke works with algae cultures in the »ChemBioSys« centre. The aim of »nutriCARD« is to improve the health of the gene- ral population. Around 40 percent of cardiovascular diseases relate to diet. Some 40 scientists and researchers from diffe- rent disciplines, and 80 practice partners, are working on nu- triCARD. »Over the past three years, we have proven what nutriCARD can achieve. nutriCARD stands for validated, scientifically verified, evidence-based information. This includes basic research and the practice-oriented development of heart- friendlier food as well as as innovative approaches to com- munication and marketing«, says Prof. Dr Stefan Lorkow- ski, the spokesperson for the cluster. The Professorship of Biochemistry and Physiology of Nutrition emphasises the translational approach. In other words, findings from the basic research are directly transferred into new food-related and nutrition concepts, so that they are comprehensible to consumers. Those involved plan to use the next stage of funding to im- prove heart health by replacing nutrients and through the op- timization of recipes in certain product groups, such as con- venience foods, baked goods, sauces and ice cream: with less salt, fat and sugar, but still with the same taste and familiar consistency. In the field of basic research, the next three years are about identifying and validating biomarkers relevant to food and interactions between genes and nutrients. The third focus is on education and communication relating to nutriti- on. For this purpose, nutrition concepts for institutions are being developed, for example, for childcare settings.   PM