Lichtgedanken 04

Rubrik 48 Whether you are an artist or a scientist, a tradesperson or a manager—everyone needs creativity. Whether it is to create artistic forms of expression, to answer scientific questions or to solve everyday problems. But where does this »super- power«, which has facilitated cultural advancements in the history of man- kind, come from? Commissario Prefrontale investigates What do Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and a plane have in common? They all represent an expression and the result of creativity. Jena neuroscientist Konrad Lehmann has been researching and writing about how the human brain produces creative flashes of inspiration — with the active support of a fictitious figure. The result is an entertaining journey into the depths of our nervous system. BY SEBASTIAN HOLLSTEIN N E U R O B I O L O G Y Biologist Dr Konrad Lehmann has dedicated his book »Das schöpferische Gehirn« (The Creative Brain) to this question, in an exceptionally creative manner. The author takes the reader on a seven-day investigation together with Commissario Prefrontale to find the »secrets of the brainwave«. »I wanted to combine the neurobiological knowledge that I have acquired from my work with my life-long fascination for the wealth of cultural creations«, says the author, explaining the motivation behind his new work. »For me, creativity is one of the finest human capabilities. Thus, I was really excited to learn that psychologists and, increasingly neuroscientists, have been