Lichtgedanken 02

Editorial 48 Electromobility where you live Computer scientists are developing a comprehensive concept for using regenerative energy for residences. The first apartment block is currently being refurbished and fitted out in Chemnitz in Saxony. BY JULIANE DÖLITZSCH More and more people in the 21st cen- tury are giving thought to how they can take the burden off our planet. Besides the use of public transport, electric cars today offer an opportunity to avoid excessive pollution of the environment caused by the emission of harmful sub- stances. Relying on renewable energy to generate electricity has long become the hallmark of a sustainable way of life that looks after our natural resources. The research project WINNER (»Woh- nungswirtschaftlich integrierte netz- neutrale Elektromobilität in Quartier und Region«), which is being funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy to the tune of €2.5 million over three years, combines both approaches. The FSU is realizing the project together with six partners from Central Germany. »We want to bring electromobility directly to residential quarters by providing tenants with charging stations for elec- tric cars,« reports Steffen Späthe, Mana- ger of the sub-project »WINNER Poten- tial«, which is established at the Chair of Software and Systems Engineering. This is precisely what is now being tested – and by no means just theore- tically. An apartment block is currently un- dergoing a total refurbishment in Chemnitz in Saxony, and in future it is to serve as a »demonstrator« for the WINNER model. »A photovoltaic sys- tem is being installed on the roof, and four charging stations for electric vehi- cles are being set up in the car parks,« Späthe states. Added to this are two electric cars which the residents will be able to share – environmentally-con- scious carsharing with neighbours. The electricity generated via the roof can also power heating pumps, illuminate staircases or outdoor systems or else be used to supply power for the tenants. Identifying potential for saving energy Above all, it is fascinating for the team to draw up an energy balance sheet and identify the potential for savings in the use of energy. »Measuring the energy consumption of a building with 32 tenants over a longer period of time offers promising insights for us as the central data unit in the project. This helps us to understand the times when consumption is particularly high or low, and control when power is taken from the grid and when from the roof,« Späthe explains. The electricity from the external energy supplier is less ex- pensive at night, but on the other hand, the local, solar-generated power could be fed in during more expensive pe- riods, he comments. Computer scientist Steffen Späthe is managing a sub- project in the »WINNER« consortium. Illustration above: Solar modules on the roof, electric car outside the door – this is the objective of the project which intends to bring electromobility directly to residential quarters.