Status & Perspectives in Science & Education

52 Key research Area BIOPHOTONICS RESEARCH DRIVEN BY USERS’ NEEDS BIOPHOTONICS research at ACP benefits largely from the scientific and industrial expertise gathered in Jena, ranging from optics and photonics to medicine and the life sciences. Along with potential technological innovations, users’ needs are essential research drivers at ACP, and end users as well as suppliers are involved right from the start. In particular, clinical biophotonic research is becoming focused on technology-driven solutions, which should address both the pressing unmet medical needs of hospitals and patients, as well as the potential of transferring solutions to industry. Therefore, ACP’s efforts toward valuable development continually overlook the real-world application of routine clinical diagnostics and therapy. Through intensive preclinical testing, the quality of the newly developed diagnostic and therapeutic approaches is evaluated, prompting the transfer of results to industry as well as the initiation of formal clinical trials. This strategy helps overcome a typical bottleneck in BIOPHOTONICS research, which nowadays generally seems too technology-driven, and generates significant innovations at the interface of optical analysis, photonic technology, and biomedical diagnostics. BIOPHOTONICS explores the potential of light in life sciences and medicine, for instance by biomedical imaging techniques to identify cancerous tissue. Raman microspectroscopy is applied, among others, for cancer diagnosis. Contact: Jürgen Popp | Phone: +49 3641 9-48320 | Email: