Imprint Fifth edition (2024) Editor Abbe Center of Photonics Friedrich Schiller University Jena Albert-Einstein-Str. 6 D-07745 Jena, Germany Phone +49 3641 947960 Web Editorial staff Dr. Christian Helgert MSc Clara Henkel Editorial deadline 15.01.2024 Graphic design timespin Digital Communication GmbH Sophienstraße 1 D-07743 Jena, Germany Photo acknowledgements Page 15, 23: Christoph Worsch Page 18: Fraunhofer IOF, Leibniz IPHT Page 21: David Zakoth Page 25: Falko Sojka Page 2: Sabine Best Page 32, 159: Walter Oppel Page 37: Thomas Ernsting Page 39, 78, 114, 118: Anna Schroll Page 60, 74, 84, 96, 98, 113, 124: Sven Döring Page 158: Thilo Schoch Page 166: Jörg Muller All others: Jan-Peter Kasper, Anne Günther, Jürgen Scheere and Jens Meyer (FSU Jena) as well as the scientists’ private archives.