Lichtgedanken 02
F E AT U R E When Martin Luther protested against the Church's sale of indulgences, he set a reform movement of epochal proportions in motion. The traces of it are visible to this day in Jena and Thuringia. WA F F E N - S S WHY NON- GERMANS SERVED IN THE FORCE The motives of the roughly 500,000 volunteers from the whole of Europe N U T R I T I O N WATER LENSES ARE NUTRITIOUS AND HEALTHY An inconspicuous plant could make up for a poor diet E X C E L L E N C E S T R AT E G Y THREE PROPOSALS FOR RESEARCH CLUSTERS The FSU's topics in the excellence competition 500 YEARS OF REFORMATION LICHT GEDANKEN 02 The Magazine of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena The Magazine of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena ENG L I SH
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